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Quote DB :: Authors :: GK Chesterton
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GK Chesterton
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GK Chesterton

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"The truth is, of course, that the curtness of the Ten Commandments is an evidence, not of the gloom and narrowness of a religion, but, on the contrary, of its liberality and humanity. It is shorter to state the things forbidden than the things permitted: precisely because most things are permitted, and only a few things are forbidden." Christianity 4.6 avg (8 votes)
"Most modern freedom is at root fear. It is not so much that we are too bold to endure rules; it is rather that we are too timid to endure responsibilities." Freedom 4.6 avg (8 votes)
"The free man owns himself. He can damage himself with either eating or drinking; he can ruin himself with gambling. If he does he is certainly a damn fool, and he might possibly be a damned soul; but if he may not, he is not a free man any more than a dog." Freedom 4.6 avg (5 votes)
"Love means loving the unlovable - or it is no virtue at all." Love 4.6 avg (5 votes)
"Men do not differ much about what things they will call evils; they differ enormously about what evils they will call excusable." Good & Evil 4.6 avg (10 votes)
"Too much capitalism does not mean too many capitalists, but too few capitalists." Economics 4.6 avg (5 votes)
"The riddles of God are more satisfying than the solutions of man." God 4.6 avg (9 votes)
"Why be something to everybody when you can be everything to somebody?" Love 4.5 avg (27 votes)
"The simplification of anything is always sensational." Miscellaneous 4.5 avg (2 votes)
"Women have a thirst for order and beauty as for something physical; there is a strange female power of hating ugliness and waste as good men can only hate sin and bad men virtue." 4.5 avg (4 votes)
"All but the hard hearted man must be torn with pity for this pathetic dilemma of the rich man, who has to keep the poor man just stout enough to do the work and just thin enough to have to do it." Money 4.5 avg (2 votes)
"By a curious confusion, many modern critics have passed from the proposition that a masterpiece may be unpopular to the other proposition that unless it is unpopular it cannot be a masterpiece." Art 4.5 avg (4 votes)
"Children are innocent and love justice, while most adults are wicked and prefer mercy." Children 4.5 avg (8 votes)
"A good novel tells us the truth about its hero; but a bad novel tells us the truth about its author." Writing 4.5 avg (4 votes)
"In science, 'fact' can only mean 'confirmed to such a degree that it would be perverse to withhold provisional assent.' I suppose that apples might start to rise tomorrow, but the possibility does not merit equal time in physics classrooms." Science 4.5 avg (6 votes)
"Anyone who is not an anarchist agrees with having a policeman at the corner of the street; but the danger at present is that of finding the policeman half-way down the chimney or even under the bed." Government 4.5 avg (2 votes)
"Journalism largely consists of saying 'Lord Jones is Dead' to people who never knew that Lord Jones was alive." Writing 4.5 avg (2 votes)
"A room without books is like a body without a soul." Reading 4.5 avg (15 votes)
"To have a right to do a thing is not at all the same as to be right in doing it." Freedom, Morality 4.5 avg (11 votes)
"Once abolish the God, and the government becomes the God." God, Government 4.4 avg (9 votes)

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