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» Friday, March 14th, 2025
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Bertrand Russell
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"To teach how to live with uncertainty, yet without being paralyzed by hesitation, is perhaps the chief thing that philosophy can do." -
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Bertrand Russell
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Top 5 quotes from Bertrand Russell
"War does not determine who is right - only who is left."
"A life without adventure is likely to be unsatisfying, but a life in which adventure is allowed to take whatever form it will is sure to be short."
"The degree of one's emotions varies inversely with one's knowledge of the facts: the less you know the hotter you get."
"We are faced with the paradoxical fact that education has become one of the chief obstacles to intelligence and freedom of thought."
"Love is, above all, the gift of oneself."
Top 5 quotes from Philosophy
"I have gained this from philosophy: that I do without being commanded what others do only from fear of the law."
"My advice to you is to get married. If you find a good wife you'll be happy; if not you'll become a philosopher."
"There is but one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide. Judging whether life is or is not worth living amounts to answering the fundamental question of philosophy."
"The philosophy of one century is the common sense of the next."
"Never judge a philosophy by its abuse."
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